discovered currently not indexed ( blogger )

The issue discovered - currently not indexed means that Google knows your website URLs, Unfortunately, they have not crawled your website URL. This issue comes usually on all websites that are online on Google. If you have a small website with unique and high-quality content then it issue will be solved automatically. In this article, I will share a solution discovered currently not indexed ( blogger ). There are three main factors Google finds out in your website post to indexes.

discovered currently not indexed ( blogger )
discovered currently not indexed ( blogger )

1) Discovered 

2) Crawl 

3) Index

Difference between crawling and indexing in Search Engines:

Crawling: It worked is done by Google Spider to visit your website for tracking purposes. This Google spider crawler is discover the most important pages on your website.

Indexing: When your website crawling purpose is complete then Google adds your website to its database. After crawling, the result is put onto the Google index ( Web Search )


All Bloggers face this issue for various reasons, so let's explore the potential solutions. 

Discovered Currently Not Indexed ( Solution with Example )

First, You need to update your website sitemap in the Google search console. If you have already submitted a sitemap then You will have to update the sitemap a second time. After submitting this step, google can easily find the blog post that you have written later. Here's an example of what a website sitemap looks like,

This is an example of any sitemap. Just, You have to change the domain name ( ) with your domain name. When you will do this step, all blog posts ( New posts or Old Posts) will be indexed in Google.

What is Google Crawl Rate?

It is a frequency when Googlebot visits your blog. It depends on your website type and the content that you have published on your site.

When it will not crawl your blog properly then your blog pages or posts will not be indexed. But these words keep in mind, You can not force Googlebot to crawl. You can request Google.

How to increase Google crawl speed or crawl rate?

If you are a blog facing a crawling issue, then you should increase your blog speed. To increase your blog speed, you can click on the given link to solve this problem quickly.

Remember, you will have to choose the option there "maximum crawl rate" You will increase the crawler rate with the slider and then save it. It will have to repeat after 3 months again.

Note: Please ensure that your email should be matched with your hosted email. 

Write Unique and High-Quality Content:

You will be fast indexed in Google if you write google friendly content. To do so, You have written fresh and unique content for your blog. If you have already written an article on the blog then  You have to check your written article now and will change paragraphs, remove grammar mistakes, duplicate content, etc, I will advise, You choose simple words when you start to write an article for a blog because you readers do not feel trouble during the reading article.

Writing unique and high-quality content is essential for various reasons. 

Firstly, it helps you stand out from the competition. 

Secondly, search engines welcome unique and valuable content, improving your website's visibility and ranking.

Additionally, high-quality content establishes your expertise, credibility, and authority within your niche, building trust with your readers. 

 Internal Links ( Important to fast index in Google)

Interlinking is the best strategy for all blog posts. If you do so, Your post is indexed easily in Google searches that are not yet indexed. For example

If you have written a fresh article on a blog then you will select one word from the article and link it with another article that you have written before and publish on your blog.

Enter Code in Custom Robots.txt:

The custom robot is a thing where you tell search engines, which specific part you do not crawl from your website. In other words, You help search engines which parts of your website crawl or which are not.

Here, I will provide you both code for Blogger and WordPress. You will have to simply paste it into your blogger or WordPress website settings. Example

Use this code " Custom Robots.txt for Blogger" 

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Disallow: /category/

Disallow: /tag/

Allow: /


Use this code "Custom Robots.txt for WordPress website"

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Disallow: /wp-admin/

Disallow: /category/

Disallow: /tag/

Allow: /


Finally, "Submit Ping for your blog"

In the last, You can increase your website speed by generating ping. After doing this, Your blog post indexing time will increase. Here, I will share some ping websites that you can use for generating ping. You can use anyone on this website. The all website working procedure is easy and also definitely the same. 






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