WhatsApp New Features Directory for Business |
Facebook and its other social media platforms such as Instagram, and Tiktok have provided their customers with a vast range of opportunities to increase their business in the online space. Now, WhatsApp is also agreeing to release a new feature for its users and help them to get the best experience. Whatsapp users can find out or search nearby businesses such as local shops and services easily using this new business directory feature application.
Now, the question is which will countries use these Whatsapp new directory features first?
Ok, Whatsapp tells in your new update news. This new feature is only available in Brazil, Sao Paulo, and others countries. But this feature is not developed in developed countries. But, don't worry. This Whatsapp new feature will be available in other countries in the future.
Sometimes, WhatsApp launches a new chat shortcut feature for their users so that every user can reply quickly. The Whatsapp messaging app is trying to work on similar new features to offer its customers.
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