Few Ways to Fix Google Adsense Low Value Contents Problem (Updated 2023)

Fix Low-Value Content Google AdSense Problems With Suitable Example

Table of Contents to fix google AdSense low-value content Problems 2023

low value content adsense fix, how to fix low value content, google adsense problems, google adsense, fix low value content,

Table of Contents Lists:


What should you do to fix the low-value content problem in 2023?

What is Google AdSense's low-value content?

Why did Google AdSense reject your website with low-value content? 

First Reason & Solution

Second Reason & Solution

Which type of content should be high-quality content?

How much content do you need for Adsense?

Third Reason & Solution

Example of Third Reason

Questions & Answers about google AdSense approval

Short Views of all articles

It's one of the Google AdSense policy violations we dislike in 2023. Because it is hard for us to deal with this violation and it takes many efforts to fix this issue. Especially for their bloggers, who are new in the blogging field. They want to earn some money from AdSense but they have to face some issues before AdSense approval application. For this stage, I have written this article for that bloggers or websites who are interested to fix google AdSense's low-value content problems. Hopefully, you can get google AdSense approval after reading this complete article. You can contact me if you are still facing this issue again.

At best, you can fix it by removing some "sensitive content and posts" on your website. At worst, you might have to remove all of them sometime. So,

 What should you do to fix the Low-Value Content problem in 2023? 

And What kind of niche you should avoid so you wouldn’t get rejected by Google AdSense with Low-Value content? These are common question that comes to every new blogger's mind. Let,s learn from this article. 

In this article, I will try to show you a few ways to fix Low-Value content on a website or blog with a few real examples. 

Let's dive in right now. Before we start to learn the ways to deal with Low-Value Content, let us see what really is Low-Value Content.

This problem means some or most of the content on your website are of low value to Google AdSense's advertisers, which means AdSense considers your content is of low standard, and they are not valuable, less informative, common, lame, and lack uniqueness. Sometimes your website could be also rejected by AdSense with low-value content if you have copied content from other websites. To put it simply, Google AdSense doesn't like some or all of your content and you should improve your content quality in order to get Google AdSense approval.

So let's see what are the possible reasons why Google AdSense rejected your website with low-value content.

First Reason & Solution :

Your website has no or little original content. It is quite important for you to publish your own original content on your site to get Google AdSense approval.

Write anything you like based on your experience or anything you are familiar with, not something that has been written by many people online, so that your content is original and unique.

Your content quality might not be the best at first, but you have lots of chances to improve the quality when you keep gaining some experience & develop your writing style by publishing more and more content.

You can refer to some data, thoughts, or points of view from other websites and use their information in your content.

It is OK to do so and you are encouraged to credit them by providing the link to the original source.

However, don't just scrap or copy content from another site without providing additional value to it. Also, don't try to copy ideas and content from another site, then paraphrase these words in your own ways and say ”this is my own original content”. This is not a way you write original content and Google is smart to detect plagiarism and reject you with either low-value content or valuable inventory copy content.

Therefore, the first thing you should do is publish your own original, high-quality content without scraping or copying content from another site.

Second Reason & Solution:

Your website has low-quality content. After you publish dozens of posts and submit your review application to AdSense, you might think AdSense is going to accept your website, But never feel relieved before Google AdSense approves your website, mark my word, never.

If your website is rejected with some violations detected on your sites such as no content or under construction issues, or even site behavior: navigation issue, there are many ways for you to fix these issues completely and easily.

However, when it comes to Low-Value Content, you are in big trouble. When your website is rejected many times by google AdSense with Low-Value content, it could mean your website has enough posts already but the quality is not good enough for AdSense approval, which also means your site is lacking high-quality content. But what about the definition of high-quality content?

Based on my understanding, high-quality content should be in,

 Long-Textual Form 

Original Contents

Well-Written Content ( No Grammer Mistakes)




I will list down some key points for each characteristic, so read carefully and check whether your content matches these characteristics or not. Key points about original content were mentioned just now, so I will skip the original content and move on to long-textual form and well-written parts.

The basic of content is that it's made out of the different combinations of words that express the idea you want to share with your readers. The focus here is texts and words, so don't try to publish a bunch of images and say,

"This is original and real content", It will not be accepted by Google AdSense.

No matter how informative these images are, you have to convert the information in these images to textual-form content and make sure there are enough words in your post. 

How much content do you need for AdSense? 

Some people say at least 500 words, and some say above 1000 words. The truth is that there is no fixed minimum number of words per post, but my suggestion is you should write at least 800 words per post to make it looks long enough.

It is not a compulsory requirement and not all your content has to be over 800 words. Sometimes you can publish short content but don't make it too short. After you write long content, you should arrange them nicely and accordingly to your structure. You can arrange your content with an introduction, a few body parts, and an ending. You should have at least 3-4 posts in every category, tag, and page, and a total post is also at least 20 plus. You should not have any page without content.

To make your content attractive, you can insert some images between a few paragraphs, and let the text-to-image ratio be around 7-3 or 6-4. Just don't arrange all your content into a single paragraph without any spacing and images, it affects user experience as it is hard to finish reading your content.

These are all the things you should know to make your content valuable and informative Your content has to provide additional information or anything that is not well known.

 For example:  if you want to write something about one social media,

Let's take Instagram as an example here, it is OK to write anything about Instagram in your content. But whether your content is high quality or not is totally based on your idea and writing style.

If you want to talk about Instagram in a general or very common way, like

What is Instagram? 

When was Instagram founded?

How many users are there on Instagram?

It is old content. No, one is interested more in it. They are considered low-value content even if you combine them into a single post. You are thinking about it. why is it? Because these "What is" "When"  and "How", are very common and general. You can find the correct answers on so many sites such as Wikipedia and your content doesn't provide anything new or valuable to your readers if you write with those questions mentioned just now Users can easily search their questions and answers. that are available in so many credible, well-established sites. So why should they look for the same answer on your site?

But you could still create high-quality content about WhatsApp by writing something not many people mentioned or discussed in detail before. Such as its history and development track, how it was acquired by Facebook, why all founders of Instagram left etc.

Write content in your own unique way after you have studied this information and data for a long time then arrange the information to a good post structure and your content could be high quality as long as you make it be attractive and easy to understand.

Third Reason & Solution : 

Your content or niche is fallen on the prohibited list that I will show later. There are many people asking the same problem about getting rejection with low-value content everywhere. So I studied around 20 cases of low-value content on Google AdSense Community and others, you can find these questions easily on these sites and you can study your own if you want after I briefly check through these websites,

I found some similarities and I summarized them into a list.

For anyone who has this content on your website, you should try to improve your writing style, remove some posts, or even delete all content as they have a higher chance to be one of the reasons why there is low-value content on your website.

Now I'm going to tell you a few examples websites that got rejected by Google AdSense with Low-Value Content. But I won't call these websites out, instead, I will replace their name with the alphabet D-M-Basar.

The first example website named "D" has many problems to fix when I enter this site.

For example, these social medial icons aren't functioning properly at all because these icons don't redirect users to social media. It is much better to remove these icons if you don't really want to link them properly as this problem is categorized as a navigation or under-construction issue by Google AdSense.

But how about the content and its quality on this website? You may look at the first page and guess what are the topics of the recent posts. I noticed that Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are the main content on the first page, and there are a few posts related to forex trading too.

However, Crypto and Forex are 2 types of content on my prohibited list and the content published on this website seems like some kind of thin content that AdSense doesn't like.

Because these posts are common and most of them are short-form content. Besides. when I checked back some of the earliest posts on website D. I found out more serious problems exist on this site.

For example, this post named XYZ published on 23rd Nov last year, already let this website stay away from getting Google AdSense approval.

There is one of sensitive content in this post and examples of sensitive content including politics, Not to mention this post makes a judgment about the COVID-19 pandemic without providing any solid, credible evidence related to COVID-19. Google AdSense will not accept any site that spread misinformation, especially about COVID-19 in the past 2 years.

Another issue arising from this website is plagiarism. To put it simply, some content in site D was scraped or directly copied from another site.

Look at one of the examples I found on this website, this post with some information about the 6 richest people in the United State was scraped from a BBC article. Just spend a few seconds to see how similar they are.

Apart from that, the latest post about Bitcoin was also scraped from another site that I'm showing here. The source I found was published in early 2021 while this scraped content was published this month. Just look at the content and see how similar are they.

By making plagiarism testing on some content in website D, the results clearly state that website A has severely scraped content from BBC and other websites. These irresponsible actions are called stealing because the whole content was directly copied from other sites with changing a few words only. This is not good behavior and the best thing site A owner should do now is to remove all scraped content published on its website ASAP.

Let’s move on to the next case named website M, which is a blog set up on the Blogger platform. I can detect what is wrong with site B at my first glance at the content.

When your content involves keywords such as "How to Earn Money", "Few Ways to make Online earnings", "Tips to make money" or anything simply involved making money,

Google AdSense often marks most of such content as Low-Value content. So you should never write about "making money" or "online earnings" if you really want your website to be approved by Google AdSense. In starting you should avoid these article to write.

You can see another issue raised in this post, the problem here is the author used 2 languages in a single post. This post has an English title but the content was written in Urdu. It is not a good practice to write content in such a way from my perspective. Besides, site M provides thin content that has little information or even no additional information.

For example, the topics in this post are "what is antivirus" and "few ways to protect website from the virus". But simply writing anything with "What is"." How to", and "few tips to", are all low-value content as they can be easily found by searching on Google and another credible website like Wikipedia. Such content will always be low-value content unless you can add something valuable or unique to the same post.

However, "few ways to protect website" here is not really good content too, they are too short and there are no strong and convincing materials to strengthen the points here. Just simply look at the intro, post body, and outro, this post is not a high-quality post and the number of words here should be less than 800 words. Therefore, the first thing website M should do is remove the content with "how to make money" and improve the quality of some published posts.

Let's move on to the last website Basar. Site Basar is a job recruitment website and it is much harder for this kind of website to get Google AdSense approval.

Because Job recruitment posts are not content at all. You have to provide high-quality content for Google AdSense approval on your website.

So after showing 3 low-value content examples, this is the prohibited list and you should avoid writing the following content before you get Google AdSense approval, including  General & Common Technology News Healthcare Cryptocurrencies Forex Sports Anything with "How to" or "What is Poetry or  Online Earnings or How to make money Products Review and Affiliate sites Jobs Application website and etc.

It is better to avoid writing these contents unless you are confident that you provide something informative, valuable, and unique. If your content has been written by many people across different websites, then it is not unique anymore, and it might degrade to low-value content too.

But after your website is approved by Google AdSense, you are free to do anything and write any types of content you like, including those contained in the prohibited list, as long as it stipulates AdSense policy. Therefore, you should always remember to choose your content and niche nicely.

The next part is going to be a Q&A Session. I'm going to share my experience and thoughts on some of the myths I found out when I searched for some websites with low-value content. Besides, I'm also taking my 4 AdSense approved blogs as examples in my explanation in this Q&A session.

Let's start from here.

Q1: Will my blog or website theme templates lead to low-value content?

A: No, AdSense has clearly stated your "content", so just focus on improving your content quality, it is your sole priority.

Q2: I didn't provide important pages completely, such as About Me and Privacy Policy, does it cause my website to get rejected with Low-Value Content?

A: Same as Question 1 . No it wouldn't, important pages are not a factor in Low-Value content. Actually, pages are not compulsory to get Google AdSense approval from my personal experience.

Note:  In other cases, you can add About Me and Privacy Policy pages on your blog or website. Here, I am talking about the Low-Value content issue. Read More

Q3: Will my website get rejected with Low-Value Content because it is less than 6 months old?

A: You could be rejected by AdSense with Valuable Inventory No Content or Under Construction in the early stage But your website age is not a factor in low-value content. 

Q4: I'm sure my website has unique and high-quality content, but why does AdSense still reject me with Low-Value Content?

A: Many people say such things too when they are rejected by Google AdSense. There are many reasons for your rejection, but the most important thing is, AdSense thinks your content is of low value from their perspective.

Q5: Why another site with some content that should be low value still can get Google AdSense approval?

A: Maybe these websites were approved by Google AdSense years ago when the approval is kind of less strict compared to now. Also, after your website got AdSense approval, you are free to write anything, even a sentence or two is also content as long as you don't write something harmful such as   dr_gs, weapon, etc.

Q6: Can I write financial content on my website? Could my website be rejected with Low-Value Content if I have done so?

A: You can write financial content on a website and get Google AdSense approval too. don't try to publish content like "How to earn money". As I have stated in the previous example and in the prohibited list, these contents are forbidden to appear on your website before your site is approved by Google AdSense as they are useless, normal, common, and not unique at all.

Last Question: Can you help me get Google AdSense approval on my website?

A:  Yes, I can also provide you these services if you ask me personally through the contact page, but you should be the one to fix it.

Finally,  Short views of all article

1) Write your own content, only original content.

2) You may refer to content on other sites, but you shouldn't scrap or copy anything and make it into your content.

3) Make sure your content is original, well-written, long-form, informative, valuable, and unique.

4) Each post should have at least 800 words, the more the better.

5) Never write general or common content.

6) Never mention "How to make money", your site has a very high chance to get rejection if you do so.

7) Avoid writing niches stated in the prohibited list.

8) Just focus on improving content quality first to fix low-value content, nothing else.

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