How to Protect Your WordPress Site Against Malware and Viruses in Five Steps


Secure wordpress site from malware, protect form malware wordpress site, five step to protect your wordpress site, How to avoid your site from malware

Today, in this article I'll tell you how to protect your WordPress site from viruses and malware for free.  now, there are many websites in which malware and viruses are present and the unfortunate thing is that the website owner doesn't even know that.  

In this article, I'll also tell you which five steps must follow to avoid malware and viruses on your site. I had to purposely get malware on my website so for that, I just installed our null theme and all the viruses were on my website. If you don't know about WordPress. you can click on what is WordPress?

 the precautions are only one thing that you could take to avoid your website getting infected with malware.

First Precaution

 First of all, make sure you host your website on a nice reputed a1 first-class hosting company very very important if your website is hosted on some cheap hosting platform obviously

there are very high chances of your website getting infected with malware and also your website getting hacked so make sure you use a nice reputed hosting company that would be really good for you. It will make your website safe and secure. It will also improve the website's speed and performance.

Second Precaution

The second precaution would be to use the least amount of themes and plugins possible to make sure you have only one active theme in your directory. 

I tell you that so if you go to your dashboard. You'll see at the left-hand side this appearance option click on that. nowhere make sure you have only one theme activated only one thing downloaded and activated. if you have some extra themes over here that you are not using make sure you delete that very important second thing is that try to use the least number of plugins possible don't use many different plugins people just download and activate many different plugins on their website. Make sure and try to use the least number of plugins possible and try to use only those plugins which have very good ratings popular plugins like plugins which have around do you know 500,000 or a million installations and a nice good rating for a plus rating or try to get a five-star rating plugin.

Third Precaution

The third precaution would be to update your themes and plugins frequently. So whenever there is an update for the plug-in or the team make sure you get that update very very important.

Fourth Precaution

I would give you is to don't use nulled themes you know there are many different plugins and themes there many different actual websites on the internet that you know they say that they will provide you free themes and free plugins people just go they want to save some money they download that and after that this thing happens in fact as I said you at the beginning of this article in the introduction. I purposely got my website infected with malware. So the way I got my website infected with malware purposely was to just install a null theme and a few nulled plugins on my website.

 Fifth precautions

Regular Backup is a must for Your Site.

Why? because a backup is a part of a copy of your site. You can reuse it as you build it before. With backup, you can simply restore your website when it was infected. You can be lost your data if you can not do it.

In this article, I talk about WordPress website precautions to avoid malware or virus on their sites. Next article, I will tell you how to remove malware or viruses from your WordPress website using free plugins.

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