Fix WordPress Elementor Can't Edit Error OR Loading Problems With in One Minute

 Read it and remove elementor can't edit error from your WordPress site

FIX ELEMENTOR CAN'T EDIT ERROR, Elementor, WordPress, Safe mode error, Elementor loading slow, solution elementor error,

Have you ever had the frustrating experience of trying to edit a page or design a template in Elementor, only to have the plugin fail to load properly?

 If so, you're not alone. This is a common issue that many website owners and WordPress developers encounter. But don't worry, there are a few simple steps you can take to fix this problem and get back to designing your website in no time. 

In this article, I'll share with you a complete solution for the Elementor can't edit or safe mode or loading problem. So, don't just skim through this text, make sure to read it thoroughly and if you're still facing this issue, feel free to comment and I'll do my best to help you out.

First of all, You've got to travel to the dashboard of WordPress and click on elementor on the left side. when you click on edit with it. you'll see this error, can't edit it.

image elementor can't edit error,

First Solution to this elementor error,

To solve this issue, you ought to continue elementor left side of the dashboard WordPress and then click on elementor and continue tools. You will see the version control button, click on this button and then change the rollback version from there. After this, you'll touch your mouse cursor on the reinstall option and click on continuous it.

rollback version, elementor plugin

Click on the below to attend the plugin page.

 For Checking,

You continue again pages and click on edit with elementor to an error page. You will see this error again. I think it does not solve this elementor error.

Now I should advance to the second step to resolve this error.

The second solution to this elementor error,

In the second solution, You ought to continue the plugin left side of the WordPress dashboard and continue it as a plugin and then click deactivate it.

elementor plugin, deactivated dashboard

When you will deactivate it, after a while you will continue again this plugin and reactivate it. I will do it and see the result that you simply can see in the below image. These errors will be solved completely after doing these steps. 

solve can't edit error

If You can not understand properly these texts, you can comment to me 

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